Page 15 - V17 Whats New
P. 15
Debtors Manager
1. Back up and restore Debtors Manager files. (On the server only).
2. Refresh speed has been improved.
3. Password and permissions has been added to Debtors Manager.
4. A User Management panel is included to set up User Permissions (e.g. ability to delete notes).
5. The Dashboard has been updated.
6. The following enhancements have been made to payment reminders and emailing:
a. PDF Invoices are now attached to Payment Reminders.
b. PTP Date is included in the payment reminder.
c. User Customisable Subject line.
d. Use predefined fields to auto-populate the following:
Acc No.
Customer Name.
Customer Balance.
e. There is a mass email option to send emails to a customer base, using templates and optional
predefined fields.
7. New Report:
a. Days overdue based on terms.
8. Age Analysis grid:
a. Quick PTP visibility on the Age Analysis.
b. Email | SMS visibility on the Age Analysis.
c. Age Analysis has space separators for large numbers e.g. instead of 100000,91, now displays
100 000,91.